每人都需要放假,誰放?Everyone needs holidays

每人都需要放假,誰放?Everyone needs holidays

ZP Blog
曾幾何時香港都是勞密集的都市(服裝和紡織品製造年代),員工在某一個工作崗位只是整條生產綫的其中一個成員。相同責任的員工或同事大有人在。但現在可以説沒有這種狀態,一人多責任的工種已經佔大多數,這個原於高增值工種的普及和成本上升。簡單一㸃説,就是你放假之後, (more…)
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Leave Vs Shift Schedule

Leave Vs Shift Schedule

Leave Management, Shift Management, ZP Blog
Workforce currently on duty this week or this month is important to managers. However, staff will take leaves now or in the near coming future. Are your operations and HR leave application ISOLATED? We provide you a clear overlayed of data so that you can view it on the laptop Schedule Management calendar easily. All affected workdays will be shown. You will have all the information to make the next planning decisions easily. You can also work on the leave approvals of staff on your mobile APP before you approve them. For more advanced users, you can use [Leave Conflict] to check staff leaves that happened on the same day.
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Outdoor Working Reporting Easy

Outdoor Working Reporting Easy

Attendance, Outdoor Workforce
More and more professional services are now face-to-face interactive communication with the client. This is not limited to the sales meetings or consultation reviews, it also covers a lot of industries with expertise performed at the client's site.  Therefore, office attendance is inadequate. In addition, all other jobs like engineers, field workers or technicians who work outdoor all the time, the traditional punching devices and computers are not suitable for the workforce attendance as well as operational efficiency measurements. We offer [Outdoor Request], [Outdoor Location] [Outdoor Report] and [Event Management] to fulfill all kinds of these needs.
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3D Neuron Fingerprint Verification

3D Neuron Fingerprint Verification

Attendance, Biometric Devices
ZKTeco fingerprint identification terminal features are embedded into the innovative Silk ID fingerprint sensor. With 3D Neuron Fingerprint Verification Sensor-Activation and Anti-Interference technology, it precisely detects dry, wet, and rough fingerprints, and operates well under strong sunlight environment. With the latest core motherboard, the fingerprint capacity is enlarged to 20,000. For more details, you can refer to [ZKFinger] Algorithm.
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Multi Biometric Fingerprint and Face

Multi Biometric Fingerprint and Face

Attendance, Biometric Devices
BioPoint 200TC is Time & Attendance and Access Control Terminal to be associated with SilkID fingerprint reader, face recognition and RFID card functions. With the new SilkID fingerprint reader, the operation remains stable under a strong light source and high preciseness of verification of wet and rough fingers. With the latest facial algorithm and the innovation features, BioPoint 200TC is bringing you the whole new experience.
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Leave Calendar Papers Gone

Leave Calendar Papers Gone

Leave Management, Mobile App
You're still using a whiteboard or a paper calendar on the wall for writing down all staff holidays? With a digital vacation calendar, leave approved of the employee can easily be marked. You can view them in realtime on a [Shift Management] calendar or in the form of leave reports. Or you can take a look at all the approved leaves on your [ZKTimcube] mobile app. Forget all the chaos of paper and calendars today and go digital now.
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Real Time Schedule

Real Time Schedule

Attendance, Mobile App, Shift Management
In the traditional way, we all rely on a long paper or a big whiteboard to put down all the schedule information of the team. No matter weekly, monthly or quarterly. Even though nowadays when a computer is used, staff are still using their notepad, or calendar to write down the assigned schedule. What about the changes going to happen likely? Now, we provide a convenient way for both employees or team leaders to communicate about the duty schedule. Our mobile app offers not only [anywhere punches] about individual attendance, but it will also update the schedule of each staff so that no changes are left behind uninformed.
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World or China Maps

World or China Maps

Mobile App, Outdoor Workforce
There are more and more business travelers in Asia comparing to anytime in the past. Corporate branches or overseas factories are the hottest destinations for businessmen, professional technicians or experts. On the other hand, meeting new customers in new markets is also one of the important explorations as well. To cope with the time attendance and activities of these travelers, we offer the [Event Management] as well as the mobile app [ ZKTimecube ] for punches anywhere. The most important hurdle to you will be one map ( Gaode 高德地图 by AutoNavi ) for China use and one (more…)
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